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Synagogue Building: An Update

Aberdeen Shul

An astounding £26,000 was raised (from the UK and as far afield as USA, Canada, Israel, and Hong Kong) to get the synagogue up and running again. Come and see for yourselves how all the donations have been used - if you’ve not visited since we rededicated the building in May, you’re in for a pleasant surprise: new bimah furnishings and torah scroll covers, new flooring, newly repainted woodwork in the hallway, new chairs both in the synagogue and in the community hall, window repairs, and a brand new and hugely improved kitchen area. We have also had a new sink (with hot water) installed on the ground floor, and replaced the door to the ‘coal cellar’. There is still much to be done, including an urgent need to repair the outside back wall, and a complete renovation of the ground floor toilets. The back wall will be the next priority, once funds are available.

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